Dr. Mahero Bernard Toboso

• Dr. Mahero Bernard Toboso

• Doctor, Kiswahili and other African Languages

• Chair of Department, Language and Literature Education

• School of Arts and Social Sciences


Dr. Mahero Bernard Toboso is a holder of PhD degree in Kiswahili and Other African Languages from Moi University. He is currently the Chair, Language and Literature Education Department. He is also the AU Secretary to Corruption Prevention Committee; Chair School of Education Research Committee and Patron Theatre and Drama Club. He is an Editor, CHAKITA Journal and Mwanga wa Lugha Journal of Moi University. He is a member of Chama cha Kiswahili cha Kitaifa (CHAKITA) .

Academic Qualifications

PhD Thesis Title: Mitindo ya Lugha ya Kidijitali katika Facebook.

Year of Award: 2016

Awarding Institution: Moi University Masters Thesis Title: Uwingilugha katika Mawasiliano ya Kibiashara

Year of Award: 2012

Awarding Institution: Moi University

Research Interests

• Title of Main Research Projects:

(i) Internet language

(ii) Digital stylistic devices

(iii) Language and Cybercrime

(iv) Language barriers in Healthcare

(v) Language barriers in Agriculture

(vi) Business Communication

(vii) Drama and Theatre Arts in Kenya

(viii) Kiswahili Poetry

(ix) Luhya Toponymy


Journals and Book Chapters


(i) BOOK. 2021. Mitindo ya Lugha ya Kidijitali. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundations. ISBN: 978-9966-26-209-7

Journal publications

(ii) 2021.Journal. Derivation of Toponyms: The Case of Abaluhya Place Names. Ruaha journal of arts and social sciences (rujass). ISSN 2453 –6016. VOLUME 7, ISSUE 1, 2021

(iii) 2021. Journal. Challenges to realization of Kenya’s Vission 2030: Language Strategy as Remedial Measure. . Ruaha journal of arts and social sciences (rujass). VOLUME 7, ISSUE 2, 2021. ISSN 2453 –6016

(iv) 2021. Journal. Utandawazi kama Tisho kwa Lugha za Kiafrika. Taaluma, Jarida la CHAKITA. Juzuu 1 Na 1 Novemba 2021. ISSN: 2789-9209.

(v) 2019. The Language Factor in the Attainment of Millennium Development Goals: The Case of Multilingual Sub-Saharan Africa. Jarida la Kioo cha Lugha. ISSN 0856-552X, e-ISSN2546-2210 pp 114-125

(vi) 2019. Mikakati ya Upishanaji na Unyakuzi wa Zamu katika Mawasiliano ya Facebook. Jarida la Mwanga wa Lugha. Juzuu 2 Na 1, Aprili 2018.

(vii) 2018. Ruwaza za matumizi ya lugha katika biashara: mfano wa mji wa Eldoret. Book chapter in Lugha ya Kiswahili: utafiti na Maendeleo. Edited by Prof Mwenda Mukuthuria and Dr Mark Kandagor. ISBN: 978 9976 5850 70 PP 68-89

(viii) 2018. Lugha za Kiafrika katika biashara: majukumu ya karne ya ishirini na moja. Book chapter in Isimu na Fasihi ya lugha za Kiafrika. Edited by Dr Leonard Chacha Mwita, Dr Maosol Kandagor and Dr Sheilla Ryanga. ISBN: 978-9966-1879-7-0. CHAPTER 6 pp 113-124.

(ix) 2018. Translation and Interpretation Studies in Sustainable Development: Dealing with Linguistic Barriers in Medicare in Kenya. International Journal of Research in Education and Social Sciences (IJRESS) ISSN: 2617-4804 1 (1) pp 31-36, August 2018 www.oircjournals.org.

(x) 2018. Mitindo ya Lugha Ibuka katika Mitandao ya Kijamii: Mfano wa Facebook. MULIKA Journal, published by University of Dar es Salaam. ISSN 0856-0129 Pp 157-175.

(xi) 2018. Graphological Foregrounding in S. A. Mohamed’s Babu Alipofufuka. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development (IJIRD). ISSN 2278 – 0211 (Online) Vol 7 Issue 8, August, 2018 pp 247-251. (xii) 2018. Derivation of Toponyms: The Case of Abaluyia Place Names. Published by The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies. ISSN 2321 – 9203 Vol 6 Issue 8, August, 2018 pp 229-234.

(xiii) 2018. A Logical Solution to Forced Circumcision: Fallacies and Truths in Circumcision Songs of the Bukusu of Western Kenya. Published by International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN: 2319-7064 Volume 7 Issue 8, August 2018 pp 1403-1407.

(xiv) 2015. The Role of Facebook, Digital Language and Communication in Social Development. Published by African Journal of Education, Science and Technology (AJEST, published by University of Eldoret and Anambra State University, Nigeria) ISSN 2309 – 9240 Vol 2, No. 2,pp 183-195, Jan 2015

(xv) 2014. African Languages in Business Communication in Eldoret Town: A Case of Languages Determined to Live.

Book Chapters

(i) 2019. Changamoto za ukalimani wa mawasiliano ya hospitalini. Book chapter in Koja la Taaluma za Insia. Edited by Athumani S. Ponera and Zuhura Badru. ISBN:978-9987-03-121-4 pp 267-280

(ii) 2019. Sababu za kutofautiana kwa lugha ya kidijitali katika mawasiliano ya Facebook. Book chapter in Uwezeshaji wa Kiswahili kama wenzo wa maarifa. Edited by prof. John Kobia. ISBN: 978-9966-133-56-4. PP 273-283

(iii) 2019. Lugha mwiko na athari zake katika Facebook. Book chapter in Lugha na Fasihi katika mshikamano wa kitaifa na uwiano Barani Afrika. Edited by Prof. John Kobia and Dr Mosol Kandagor. ISBN 978-9966-133-55-7. Pp 251-259

(iv) 2018. Ruwaza za matumizi ya lugha katika biashara: mfano wa mji wa Eldoret. Book chapter in Lugha ya Kiswahili: utafiti na Maendeleo. Edited by Prof. Mwenda Mukuthuria and Dr Mosol Kandagor. ISBN: 978 9976 5850 70 Pp 68-89

(v) 2018. Lugha za Kiafrika katika biashara: majukumu ya karne ya ishirini na moja. Book chapter in Isimu na Fasihi ya lugha za Kiafrika. Edited by Dr Leonard Chacha Mwita, Dr Maosol Kandagor and Dr Sheilla Ryanga. ISBN: 978-9966-1879-7-0. CHAPTER 6 pp 113-124

Book manuscripts

(i) Ushairi, Uhakiki na Diwani ya Sizami

(ii) Tamthilia, Drama na Sanaa ya Maigizo

International Conferences and Seminars Attended

Key Note Address

(i) January 2022. I gave a key note speech in an international conference, RS Learning-acc Conference, Moi University on theme, “Process of Learning and formation of Cultural Identity: The Role of Religion, Media, Aesthetics and Education in Africa.”


(ii) July 2022. Language And Business: Ways And Challenges. Paper presented to Natural Language Processing and African Languages Workshop on 13th & 14th July 2022 at CMS Africa, Shamiri Institute, Nairobi. Conference organized by Harvard University.

(iii) January 2022. Knowledge Production and Transmission in Africa: Ways, Benefits and Challenges. Paper presented to Moi University conference, January, 2022.

(iv) May, 2021. “Uchimuzi katika Mawasiliano ya Facebook: Mitindo Mipya ya Mawasiliano” Paper presented to CHAUKIDU conference, May, 2021.

(v) August, 2021. Attended online International Conference & Symposium on “Quality Education for Children and Students in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities”

(vi) August, 2021. Attended International Conference & Symposium on “Quality Education for Children and Students in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities”

(vii) 2019. Dhima ya Mazingira kwa Ukuaji wa Lugha. Paper presented to The First Language Association of East Africa (LAEA) Conference at Moi University.

(viii) 2019. Kiswahili katika Tamasha za Shule na VyuoNchini Kenya. Paper presented to Chama cha Kiswahili cha Kitaifa Conference at Karatina University.

(ix) 2018. Gender Equality in Online Communication. Paper presented to The Third Eldoret International Conference on Sustainable Development at The Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

(x) 2018. Usilahaishaji Lugha kama Tisho kwa Umoja wa Taifa. Paper presented at The Conference by Chama cha Kiswahili cha Taifa (CHAKITA), at Moi University.

(xi) 2017. Lugha Mwiko na Athari zake katika Gumzo za Facebook. Paper presented at The First Conference by East African Kiswahili Commission (EAC) in Zanzibar.

(xii) 2017. Changamoto za Kutafiti kuhusu “Lugha Duni”: Mfano wa Sheng Paper presented to Conference by Chama cha Kiswahili Afrika Mashariki (CHAKAMA) Conference. In Dodoma Tanzania.

(xiii) 2017. Lugha ya Kidijitali kama Lugha ya Kimazungumzo Andishi: Mfano wa Mawasiliano ya Facebook. Paper presented to Chama cha Uendelezaji wa Kiswahili Duniani

Classes taught

Classes currently taught

Fourth Year

Third year:

KIS 310 Prose Works in Kiswahili

Second Year

KIS 210 Theory and Analysis of Kiswahili Literature

First Year

KIS 112 Introduction to Literary Appreciation in Kiswahili

Other relevant links


Official Contact Details

Official Contact Details:

Email: tobosomahero@gmail.com Tel: +254713058812

Twitter: @BernardMahero

Facebook: Toboso Mahero Bernard